Sunday, October 28, 2007

T minus 18

Today Miss Dylan and I had a fun outing. We got to go to breakfast with Great Grandma Marilyn. We had such a delightful breakfast. This was the first time that have ever been able to spend with GGMarilyn. And what a doll she is!! Dylan is so lucky to have all of these amazing people in her life. Aunt Terri, Uncle Jay, and Max joined me for this breakfast. I think we all had the same great pancake breakfast. Yummy!!! Then it was off to finish our Halloween costumes for the Halloween party we were to attend tonight. We went to target, then to the grocery store to get things for our potluck dishes. I started to feel very faint while shopping. I was very hesitant to walk down the grocery store aisle by myself for fear that I was not going to be able to make it back to the cart by myself. After chugging a Gatorade and eating a piece of chocolate I felt much better. The Halloween party was fun. Aunt Terri went as a punk rocker, Uncle Jay as a scary old man, Max as just scary, Nadine as Raggedy Ann, and myself as Pregnant Britney Spears fully adorned with flour on my nose (her little habit), Starbucks cup fake cigarette, and baby doll that was dropped numerously throughout the night. This long night out sure kicked my butt the next day. I think I have finally recovered!!

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