Monday, November 19, 2007

Another Monday!

Casey and I got to the hospital pretty early this morning. The surgeons had already done rounds which was a bummer! It is nice to be there when the doctors are going around to be able to hear how your child is doing. We sat and starred at her for a while and then it was time for a diaper change and temp check. Guess who didn't change the diaper. That is right ladies and gentlemen, Casey didn't!! So he was on thermometer duty and mommy changed the diaper. Just tinkle, darn! It gets so funny when you pull off that diaper crossing the fingers on one hand just hoping for a little surprise, maybe one of these days! Dyl woke up as we were changing her diaper and she just looks up at you. It is so funny! I HAD to hold her!!! So I assumed my position in the rocking chair and the nurse handed her off to me. She was wide awake the whole time, it was so nice to be able to rock her and have the complete ability to comfort her the entire time. We had eye contact the whole time. She would smile and then blow bubbles and then stick out her tongue and repeat. Don't worry, we captured pictures of it all. I know that probably shocks you! Smile, Bubbles, Tongue, Repeat! Then it was daddy's turn to hold her. We switched places and they just rocked and rocked and rocked. It is so nice to see the 2 of them just connect and just BE.

When I was holding Dylan one on the surgeons came over to speak with me. Poor guy thought my name was Angela and felt so bad when the nurse told him my name was Ashley. I didn't mind, he could have called me Bertha as long as he was giving me information about my daughter. Anywho, the surgeon was coming over to take the drain out of Dylan's belly. He did it while she was in my arms. She has a small white tube coming out of her newly made belly button to drain anything. It was connected by one small stitch to her skin. He snipped that stitch and slid out the drain tube. She didn't even flinch. He said that her swelling still hasn't gone down but that is to be expected since she has so much in her little tiny tummy. I asked him about the hole in her intestine that had been mentioned last week. He told me that the hole was not technically in the intestine but in the mesentary which is a fatty section. He said that they put holes in the mesentary in adults all the time. When I asked him what a hole in the mesentary meant he said that it could lead to escemia or mean poor blood/oxygen flow to the intestines. Since we were told that the intestines appeared dusky in the beginning of the process I now assumed that this hole could be a factor in the poor oxygen flow to the intestines. The surgeon said that this was not a contributing factor as of now. They will keep it in mind if the intestines do not work properly, but as of now it is not a concern to them since the hole could correct itself.

Currently "Mimi", "Great-Meema","Apple" and Grandpa Smith are currently grandbaby sitting. Dylan is very excited to get to spend time with 4 of her favorite people. Casey and I are thouroughly enjoying this time together. Everyone keeps reminding us that we are newly weds, but we have to remind them we are "30 day weds". This time together is so amazing. Just being able to wake up next to eachother and walk down the foggy San Fran Streets together is so perfect. And then to be able to go and see our perfect little daughter is even more than I could ever ask for! Basically life is GRAND!

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